Minggu, 21 Desember 2008

The Fight Child Sexual Abuse and Pedophilia (FCSAP) Jakarta Indonesia

The Fight Child Sexual Abuse and Pedophilia (FCSAP), Jakarta Indonesia

Throughout The Fight Child Sexual Abuse and Pedophilia (FCSAP) site you'll read about the power of philanthropy and community spirit as we share stories that highlight the generosity and compassion to the Indonesian Childrens who victims of child sexual abuse and pedophilia.

The Cause of Helping Survivors of Sexual Abuse

In Indonesia Child sexual abuse is largely a hidden crime, so it is difficult to estimate the number of people who are sexually abused at some time during their childhood (the prevalence of child sexual abuse). There are few national statistics on child sexual abuse in Indonesia. SEXUAL ABUSE is may be one of many social and child health problem in Indonesia! The consequences of sexual abuse can include the following:

* Criminal behavior * Prostitution
* Gastrointestinal problems * Panic disorder
* Chronic pain * Picky etaers or anorexia
* Neurological disease * Smoking
* Obsessive-compulsive * Sleep disturbances
* Marital instability * Bulimia
* Headacehes and Migraines * Trigger Allergy disease
* Suicide * Heart disease
* Diabetes * Fibromyalgia
* Depression * Drug abuse

The Fight Child Sexual Abuse and Pedophilia support by Yudhasmara Foundation. We are a group of idealistic people working to save and heal abused children and exploited children. To oppose sexual abuse and sex trafficking and change society where this is a common practice. We challenge people of good will to act and help change society and encourage the authorities to respond and implement laws, do justice and protect the innocent and bring the guilty to justice and repentance by information and education.
The Fight Child Sexual Abuse and Pedophilia primary goal is to raise awareness of the health and social problems caused by child sexual abuse or pedophilia and to remove society’s stigma on this issue so that survivors will seek help and avoid the long term consequences of their trauma. This will be done by networking with local and national person, organization and media. Long-range plans are underway to establish a national awareness day and year in Congress. The future also plans to link treatment centers nationally and establish funding for university-based research in this area.

The Fight Child Sexual Abuse and Pedophilia is to enable to make information and education by networking, education and spirit that are dedicated to helping survivors of sexual abuse lasting impact on Indonesian Children. In Indonesia Child sexual abuse is largely a hidden crime, so it is difficult to estimate the number of people who are sexually abused at some time during their childhood (the prevalence of child sexual abuse). There are few national statistics on child sexual abuse in Indonesia. The FCSAP plays an integral part in supporting non-profit organizations all over the county: organizations that aid your family, your neighbors, your friends and your community.
For information and education which social, medical articles on the above, search this website: http://pedophiliasexabuse.blogspot.com/

Any contribution above the entry fee, support, information and attention will be appreciated.

DR WIDODO JUDARWANTO, chief de mission
Yudhasmara Foundation
PHONE : (021) 70081995 – 5703646
email : judarwanto@gmail.com,

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